The Analogy of Scripture

I recently picked up the book, "Concise Theology" by J.I. Packer.  What an unbelievable book that is rich in biblical theology and an easy read. This morning as I was reading the short chapter on "Interpretation", I learned about the Analogy of Scripture.  This is what he wrote: "Each book proceeded from the same divine... Continue Reading →

Six Lessons for your Twenties

I encourage you to take fifteen minutes out of your day to see this short, yet powerful talk by Pastor John Piper called, "If I could start all over:  six lessons for your twenties." This insightful and wise clip is valuable for people of all ages.   Psalm 25  25 To you, O Lord,... Continue Reading →

Racism and our Need for Repentence

When you hear the word racism, what do you think of?  It's easy to think of extreme cases such as apartheid and white supremacy, and think to ourselves, "well I am not like them, so I am defintely not racist."  But what about a more subtle form of racism?  Could we as Christians be unknowingly... Continue Reading →

Following Jesus

"Then Jesus told His disciples , 'If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.  For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.  For what will it profit a man if he gains the... Continue Reading →

The Mailbag: Expository or Topical Preaching: Which is better?

A great read

Michelle Lesley

I would like to read your thoughts on expositional vs. topical preaching. I know we can benefit from both but is one superior to the other and why?

Great question! You’re right, both forms of preaching can be beneficial as long as the pastor properly exegetes (rather than eisegetes) Scripture.

For readers who might not be familiar with the terms, expository preaching is basically when a pastor preaches through books of the Bible from beginning to end carefully explaining what each passage means. He might go through only a few verses each week, or maybe a chapter each week, so the time it takes to work through a book will vary from pastor to pastor.

The term topical preaching can have a couple of different meanings depending on who you’re talking to and what she understands the term to mean. Some people understand “topical preaching” to mean a sermon series…

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Something to think about…

The 2018 Super Bowl was a very special night for us Eagle's fans.  What an awsome moment it was as the clock ran down and the Eagles became this year's Super Bowl champions! There were people screaming and jumping and crying as their beloved team was exalted as the best football team in 2018. It... Continue Reading →

A Pox Upon Our House: Three Chronic Diseases Plaguing Women’s Ministry

This is a great article that I believe is well worth your time.

Michelle Lesley

“What’s the number one problem in women’s ministry today?”

It’s a question I was recently asked in an interview; one I can’t get off my mind. There are many good and wonderful things I see trending in women’s ministry, which are creating an increasing number of biblically strong, godly Christian women. But those women are still a tiny minority – a remnant, you might say – in contemporary evangelicalism. The problems, on the other hand? Overwhelming. Discouraging. Pervasive.

In fact, it’s a huge problem just to sit down and sort out exactly what the problems with women’s ministry are because they’re not in nice, neat little linear compartments. There is no one single most important problem in women’s ministry. The issues are interwoven and exacerbate one another, which leads to declining spiritual health for Christian women as a whole.

There’s a name for that in medical jargon: multimorbidity. Often seen…

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Glorify Yourself O God!

  Like so many, my heart aches for my brothers and sisters in Sutherland Springs, Texas who continue to walk through the valley of this unimaginable trial. As I have been praying for them night and day, I have also been asking our Sovereign and Faithful God, "Lord, how are You going to glorify Yourself... Continue Reading →

The Protestant Reformation: Then and Now

Today is Reformation Day!  Praise the Lord! What was the Protestant Reformation?  And why is it important for us to never forget? "The Protestant Reformation was a widespread theological revolt in Europe against the abuses and totalitarian control of the Roman Catholic Church. Reformers such as Martin Luther in Germany, Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland, and... Continue Reading →

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